Isobella McDonald1

(before 1775 - between 1806 and 1827)
Relationship4th great-grandmother of Lorna Henderson

BMDB data

     Isobella McDonald was estimated to have been born bef. 1775 ?Halkirk, CAI, SCT.
     Isobella McDonald married William Taylor, son of William Taylor and Isabella Finlayson, on 4 Aug 1795 Halkirk, Par. of Halkirk, CAI, SCT, William in Achavarn & Bell in Gerston.2
     Isobella McDonald was assumed to have died bet. 1806 - 1827 prob. Halkirk, Caithness.3

Census/Where lived/Occupations

     In Aug 1795 Bell McDonald was living Gerston, Halkirk, CAI, SCT.2
     Fr Jul 1806 - Nov 1827 Isobella McDonald and William Taylor were living Gerston, Par. of Halkirk, CAI, SCT, according to the baptisms and marriages of some of their children.4,5


     Isobella McDonald was also known as Bell.

External links

     Click here to see Isobella's page on WikiTree, a (free) collaborative on-line tree.6


William Taylor (Oct 1772 - Feb 1860)
  • Jean Taylor (May 1796 - )
  • George Taylor (cir. 1798 - Feb 1841)
  • Isabella Taylor7 (cir. 1800 - Jul 1879)
  • Margaret Taylor+ (cir. Feb 1802 - Dec 1861); Although Maggie's dth cert shows her mother as a Margaret MacDonald, it is more likely to be Isabella8,9
  • Christina Taylor+ (cir. 1804 - Sep 1878); even though my information is that Christina's dth cert shows her parents as William Taylor and Isabella Finlayson, I believe that they're really William's son William and his first wife Isabella McDonald, this theory being reinforced by the inf. on the dth cert being a Donald Taylor, relationship brother and ditto 1851 and 1861 census, the gap in the children of William and the younger Isabella, and the age of the older Isabella would almost preclude her being Christina's Mum10,11,3
  • Williamina Taylor (cir. Jul 1806 - )
ChartsMy pedigree chart
Paternal ancestors of Lorna
Paternal timeline

My Caithness ancestors

Last Edited27 May 2018


  1. Letter, Carole MELLOR to Lorna Henderson, Feb 1994.
  2. Births christenings marriages: Halkirk, CAI, SCT, Marr. 1795 Bell McDonald and William TAYLOR, transcr. Sep/Oct 1994.
  3. 1851 Census (images for ENG, transcriptions for SCT), UK, via, Halkirk, CAI Reg. 37 ED 3 Pg 12 Sched 39, hsehold of William & Jannet TAYLOR, extracted Apr 2007.
  4. Births christenings marriages: Halkirk, CAI, SCT, Marr. 1827 Janet GRAY to William TAYLOR, transcr. Sep/Oct 1994.
  5. Births christenings marriages: Halkirk, CAI, SCT, Bap. 1806 Williamina TAYLOR, transcr. Sep/Oct 1994.
  6. WikiTree online at,, uploaded Oct 2011.
  7. Letter, Alastair CORMACK to L McIntosh, Dth Cert 1879 Isabella GUNN nee TAYLOR trans. Alastair C recvd Jul 2002.
  8. BDM: CAI, 1861 Film 224395, Dth 1861 Margaret BAIN nee TAYLOR, p/copy held, taken Apr 1994.
  9. TAYLOR, International Genealogical Index (IGI), TAYLOR/McDONALD: Batch C110402-?-990554, rechecked Jul 2004.
  10. GRO, SCT, BDM searches at GRO SCT: Dth cert 1878 Christina TAYLOR, transcr. Robert McC, Sep 2003.
  11. 1861 Census (images for ENG, transcriptions for SCT), UK, via, Sibster & Banniskirk, Halkirk, CAI Reg. 37 ED 4 Pg 2 Sched 6, hsehold of Donald TAYLOR, extracted Apr 2007.

E. & O. E. Some/most parish records are rather hard to read and names, places hard to interpret, particularly if you are unfamiliar with an area.