Isabella Hall1

(say 1758 - July 1816)
FatherWilliam Hall2 (cir. 1735 - Mar 1817)
MotherJane Stevenson2 (cir. 1743 - Jan 1825)
Relationship4th great-grandmother of Lorna Henderson

BMDB data

     Isabella Hall was born say 1758 prob. at ?Hownam, ROX, SCT, (this date assumes I've found the right marriage for James and Isabella, and that she was at least 20 then.)1
     Isabella Hall married James Wight on 13 Mar 1779 Par. of Ednam, ROX, SCT, entry dated 14 Feb 1779 reads: James Wight in the Parish of Bowdean (sic) and Isabel Hall in this parish gave up their names in order to proclaimation for marriage consigned one shilling to the poor John Weir Schoolmaster in Ednam their cautioner and married the 13th March 1779. I have assumed this is the correct James Wight, purely because he was of Bowden, which is where dtr Jane was supposedly born, although there are 2 other candidate couples of the same names and time frames.3,4,5,1,2
     Isabella Hall died in Jul 1816 prob. at ?Hounam, ROX, SCT; (day and age unclear to transcribers.)2

All the other info

     Isabella Hall was considered as a potential duplicate of Isabella Hall, but this has been discounted; as, of the at least 3 couples named James Wight and Isabella Hall who married in Roxburghshire, two definitely have Bowden connections, which is where dtr Jane was supposedly born in c 1783. The Bedrule couple didn't marry until 1797, so I have rejected them, even though Bedrule does fit better with the birth places of the 2 later children, so it may be that the Bedrule couple are the parents of siblings Isabella and James, but not of Jane.6
     Isabella Hall was considered as a potential duplicate of Isabella Hall, but this has been discounted; although both were married to a James Wight of Bowden, I have at last conclusively eliminated the James Wight and Isabella Hall couple of Midlem in Bowden as being the same couple, parents of Jane Wight. According to Isabella's h/stone her husband James was a joiner in Morebattle. In May 2005 I found the dth of a James Wight, son of James Wight and Isabella Hall, that had his father as a joiner. In Jan 2006 I found that he had left a will. The will conveniently showed his inventory as including an amount due him from the estate of his late sister Isabella Wight, housekeeper of Melville Castle, Lasswade who had died in 1869. Fascinatingly, there were two Isabella Wight deaths in 1869, one in St Boswells, dtr of James Wight and Isabella Hall, the other in Lasswade, also the dtr of James Wight and Isabella Hall. However the St Boswells dtr said her father was a portioner in Midlem and the Lasswade one had her father as a joiner, so the two couples of the same name, and with a Bowden connection, are definitely distinct and unlikely to have two surviving adult dtrs named Isabella.5,7,8
     Isabella Hall is buried with William Hall and Jane Stevenson Hounam, ROX, SCT; H/stone reads: IMO William Hall, who died at Morebattle 17.3.1817 aged 82 yrs, also Jane Stevenson his spouse who died 4.1.1825 aged 82 yrs. also Isabella Hall their daughter spouse to James Wight joiner Morebattle who died ?. 7.1816 aged ? yrs. James Hall their son who died 8.11.1821 aged 16 yrs (assumed to be son of James Wight and Isabella Hall given his age, with Hall being a forename. Possibly the transcription is a tad wrong and James is Isabella's brother, eg his age might be 46? I have concluded, for now that his name is James Hall Wight but this gives me another problem in that I already have them with a son James born c 1805, but dying in 1878. More work needed.)2,9,10

External links

     Click here to see Isabella's page on WikiTree, a (free) collaborative on-line tree.11


James Wight (say 1755 - )
  • Jane Wight+1 (cir. 1783 - Sep 1858)
  • Isabella Wight (cir. 1800 - Apr 1869); I have to admit that the link between this Isabella Hall and dtr Isabella is tentative, based purely on Isabella's father James Wight being a joiner. There are 3 couples names James Wight and Isabella Hall on the Borders in the right time frame. It is a given that Isabella White nee Wight and James Wight, carpenter of Yetholm and Jedburgh are siblings and that their father James was a joiner. Whether or not they are also siblings of the Jane Wight who married Peter Sinton is open to interpretation8
  • Margaret Wight12 (cir. 1803 - Mar 1858)
  • James Hall Wight13,9 (cir. 1805 - Nov 1821)
  • James Wight14 (cir. 1805 - Feb 1878)
ChartsMy pedigree chart
Paternal ancestors of Lorna
Paternal timeline

Helen Sinton WIGHT's ancestors

Last Edited2 Mar 2017


  1. Scottish BMDB entries (from 1855),, Dth 7 Sep 1858 Jane SINTON d/o James WIGHT & Isabella HALL, Hounam Mains, Hounam, Dist 791 #4, transcr. Lorna, Sep 1995, p/copy held, scanned Oct 2015.
  2. Borders FHS, MIs: ROX Hounam & Linton, Entry #50: HALL/STEVENSON burials.
  3. H D W (15319), "Borders Corres. ex H D W," e-mail to L Henderson (1), Marr. proclamation, Feb 1779 Ednam OPR (Dist 788), p/copy rcvd May 2005.
  4. WIGHT, International Genealogical Index (IGI), Marr. 1779 Isabella HALL and James WIGHT, batch M117882, extracted c 1993, rechecked Jan 2006.
  5. "Lorna's Family History Musings", Jan 2006.
  6. "Lorna's Family History Musings", Oct 2000 and Jan 2006.
  7. GRO, SCT, BDM searches at GRO SCT: Dth 1869 Isabella SCOTT nee WIGHT, transcr. Stuart H, rcvd Feb 1998.
  8. Scottish BMDB entries (from 1855),, Dth 1869 Isabella WHITE nee WIGHT, Dist 691 Pg 11 #33, copy d/loaded Jan 2006.
  9. Various Photograph(s), Various, unknown repository, H/stone Hounam Churchyard, (William HALL, Jane STEVENSON, Isabella WIGHT, James Hall WIGHT, taken Jul 2006.
  10. "Lorna's Family History Musings", Apr 2008.
  11. WikiTree online at, Oct 2011.
  12. Scottish BMDB entries (from 1855),, Dth 2 Mar 1858 Margaret MOWAT nee WIGHT, reg. Earlston, BEW, Dist 736 Pg 3 #7, copy d/loaded Apr 2008.
  13. "Lorna's Family History Musings", Aug 2007.
  14. GRO, SCT, BDM searches at GRO SCT: Dth 1878 James WIGHT, copy d/loaded May 2005.

E. & O. E. Some/most parish records are rather hard to read and names, places hard to interpret, particularly if you are unfamiliar with an area.