Jane Sinton

(circa 1812 - 18 August 1902)
FatherPeter Sinton (fr 1783 - 1788 - Jan 1866); relationship assumed from naming pattern, dates, places, resemblance to Helen and with the advent of DNA testing, from atDNA matches between descendants of Jane, and of two of her siblings1
MotherJane Wight (cir. 1783 - Sep 1858); relationship assumed from naming pattern, dates, places, resemblance to Helen and with the advent of DNA testing, from atDNA matches between descendants of Jane, and of two of her siblings2
Relationship3rd great-aunt of Lorna Henderson


     Another very pleasant surprise. Nothing like an email from someone with a tentative inquiry as to whether or not I thought Jane was a dtr of my Peter Sinton and Jane Wight.
Prompt investigations showed that I had, many years ago, noted the marriage of a James Telfer and a Jane Sinton in the Southdean OPR, but as nothing further could be found about them in Scotland, I'd forgotten about them, which is rather remiss of me as I should have been looking for 2nd dtr named Janet, or similar.
All was explained when the descendant of James and Jane pointed out that they had emigrated to Sth Australia in 1839 (so missed the 1841 census for me to get a finer estimate of their ages). The circumstantial evidence as to the relationship was pretty good - fitted a gap in the known children, absolute insistence of all the children to include a child called Peter Sinton X in their broods - and finally, a picture of her showed the same chubby face as Helen, my 2greats grannie. So I'm very happy to welcome her into the family - along with what looks like it will be a gazillion Sth Australian Telfer/Telford descendants. And Jane found her rightful home all because Verity's sister was doing a quilt and they wanted to put the family ancestral tree on it.3

BMDB data

     Jane Sinton was born cir. 1812 Par. of Southdean, ROX, SCT, although, like her sister Helen, no "official" record exists. Her death certificate implies c. 1812 (90 in 1902), although the age on her immigration papers (25 in 1839) would imply nearer 1814. Given her elder sister Isabella is c 1811, I'm going for halfway between these two, c 1813. As to place: at marriage she was at Dikerow, stated in the Jedburgh OPR as "parish of Chesters". My understanding however is that the parish was actually Southdean, with Chesters the main church of the parish, the original old Southdean parish church being very near Chesters, and now in ruins.4,3,5,6,7,8
     Jean Sinton married James Telfer, son of Richard Telfer and Allison Laidlord, on 18 Nov 1836 Southdean, Par. of Southdean, ROX, SCT, James of Jedburgh, Jane of Southdean9; Jedburgh OPR7 for Nov 13 shows "James Telfer farm servant Edgerston in this Parish has been regularly proclained for marriage with Jean Sinton at Dikerow in the parish of Chesters and they were married on the 18 Nov by the Revd Mr Richmond Southdean."9,7
     Jane Telford died on 18 Aug 1902 Glenburnie, SA, AUS; index shows Jane as aged 90, widow, husb James Telford.4,5 She was interred with Jane Sinton and James Telfer Sect. B Plots 94, 95, Lake Tce Cem., Mt Gambier, SA, AUS; James, 76, bur. 12th Nov 1884 in plot 95; Jane bur. 20/8/1902 aged 90 in plot 94; Thomas bur. 22 Dec 1909, aged 60 in plot 95; George Telford SMITH aged 9 bur. plot 95 12 Feb 1903.10,11,8,12,13


     Jane Telfer and James Telfer left from London on the "Platina" arriving Adelaide on 9 Feb 1839 Register of emigrant labourers applying for free passage to SA 1836-1841 shows James had applied 19 Sep 1838, listed as a labourer, 28 yrs old, wife 25, male child 1½ years, engaged by a tenant of the SA Coy, so had work lined up when he arrived. Also on board was an Ann Burns nee Telford4 and a Robert & Richard Telfer14 (Web reports show the Platina, (also Plantina, in the same report) as arriving Adelaide on the 9 Feb 1839. The declaration of thanks15 written to Mr James Weston, (Surgeon Superintendent) was signed (amongst others) by James and Jane Telfer, and Robert and (X of) Anne Burns (but not by any other Telfer/Telfords). The voyage appears to have attracted some notoriety, with 9 deaths.4,15,14

Census/Where lived/Occupations

     She was described by descendants as keeping a butter and cheese dairy.4

All the other info

     James & Jane began life in the Colony camping in the tent city that was then Adelaide, dtr Jane being born in the tent.16 From Adelaide they moved to Pt Gawler where James had work as a mill hand for a sawmill, and a stock hand. During their stay at Gawler they lost all their possessions when a stray firecracker (on Guy Fawkes night) set the family's tent on fire.16 After Pt Gawler the family moved to Mt Barker on the Adelaide Hills where James was a shepherd, away for months at a time.16 The next move was for James to work as a stockman for Dr William Rankin who owned an extensive grazing property in the area. They remained there for several years, seeing the loss of their dtr Alison to a haystack fire during this time. This period may also be where a son George was born, and died, and the next George born, the youngest.16
     Aft. 1858 with settlement beginning in the Sth East of Sth Australia, James and family began a trek overland to settle there. The family report that Mrs Telford was determined not to undertake the long arduous trek and remained in her home until Jane, the eldest daughter approached the house and took baby George from her mother, under protest, and made her way to the laden bullock drays. (I'm not sure which George)
The party consisted of 2 adults and 8 children with 3 bullock drays loaded with supplies and 100 head of cattle and averaged less than 10 miles a day, resting on Sundays, and taking six weeks to complete the journey (through Wellington, McGrath's Flat, Chainman's Wells, Salt Creek, Tilleys Swamp, Woakwine, Johnstone's homestead at Mt Muirhead and Lake Leake).
     Square Mile, Yahl Paddock and Glenburnie were being cut up into small holdings on their arrival and James obtained blocks bordering Casterton Rd near the 3 mile post. James spent the rest of his life on this farm at Glenburnie (as, presumably, did Jane.)16 Jane Sinton and James Telfer were photographed cir. 1880.17


James Telfer (Jul 1808 - Nov 1884)
  • Richard Telford4 (1837 - Nov 1906)
  • Jane Telford4 (Feb 1840 - Feb 1925)
  • Alison Telfer4 (1842 - bef. 1858)
  • Peter Telford4 (1844 - Jul 1916)
  • James Telford4 (Aug 1844 - Mar 1928)
  • Thomas Telford4 (1849 - Dec 1909)
  • William Telford4,18 (1851 - 1929)
  • Mary Telford4 (say 1852 - say 1929)
  • George Telford (cir. Aug 1854 - Jan 1855)
  • George Telford4,19 (Oct 1857 - Aug 1934)
Last Edited22 Feb 2021


  1. "Lorna's Family History Musings", Apr 2008 updated Jul 2014, (Jane emigrated to Australia before the 1841 census, relationship based on naming pattern of children, age, place (she was at Dikeraw, Chesters when she married James Telfer, a place associated with SINTON descendant Janet MATHER nee SINTON from 1811 to at least the1840s) - and last but not least, by her resemblance to Helen (same chubby face).
  2. "Lorna's Family History Musings", Apr 2008 updated Jul 2014.
  3. "Lorna's Family History Musings", May 2008.
  4. Verity HODGES, "EM SINTON/TELFER ex Verity H," e-mail to Lorna Henderson, Rcvd Apr 2008.
  5. Verity HODGES, "EM SINTON/TELFER ex Verity H," e-mail to Lorna Henderson, Dth 18 Aug 1902 Jane w/o James TELFORD, aged 90, Glenburnie, Dist Gre Bk 288 Pg 281, from Digger Records SA Deaths 1842-1915, extract rcvd Apr 2008.
  6. Verity HODGES, "EM SINTON/TELFER ex Verity H," e-mail to Lorna Henderson, Arrival 18 Nov 1836 'Platina' at Adelaide, rcvd Apr 2008.
  7. Scottish BMDB entries (from 1855), http://www.scotlandspeople.gov.uk/index.php, Marr. 18 Nov 1836 James TELFER (Edgerston) & Jean SINTON (Dikeraw, Chesters), copy d/loaded Apr 2008.
  8. SA, AUS - Cemetery Records online at http://mountgambier.dcw.lga.sa.gov.au/ ; http://www.wattlerange.sa.gov.au/ ;, "Dth" 20/08/1902 Jane TELFORD, bur. Lake Terrace Cem., Section B plot 94, aged 90, indexed at http://mountgambier.dcw.lga.sa.gov.au/site/page.cfm?c=33520, extracted Jul 2011.
  9. BDM: Southdean & Abbotrule: Parish #806.
  10. Linda LAWLESS, "EM SINTON/TELFER ex Linda L," e-mail to Lorna Henderson, H/stone James & Jane TELFORD, son Thomas, grdson George T SMITH, Mt Gambier, SA, photo rcvd Jul 2011.
  11. SA, AUS - Cemetery Records online at http://mountgambier.dcw.lga.sa.gov.au/ ; http://www.wattlerange.sa.gov.au/ ;, "Dth" 12/11/1884 James TELFORD, bur. Lake Terrace Cem., Section B plot 95, aged 76, indexed at http://mountgambier.dcw.lga.sa.gov.au/site/page.cfm?c=31529, extracted Jul 2011.
  12. SA, AUS - Cemetery Records online at http://mountgambier.dcw.lga.sa.gov.au/ ; http://www.wattlerange.sa.gov.au/ ;, "Dth" 22/12/1909 Thomas TELFORD, bur. Lake Terrace Cem., Section B plot 95, aged 60, indexed at http://mountgambier.dcw.lga.sa.gov.au/site/page.cfm?c=31449, extracted Jul 2011.
  13. SA, AUS - Cemetery Records online at http://mountgambier.dcw.lga.sa.gov.au/ ; http://www.wattlerange.sa.gov.au/ ;, "Dth" 12/02/1903 George Telford SMITH, bur. Lake Terrace Cem., Section B plot 95, aged 9, indexed at http://mountgambier.dcw.lga.sa.gov.au/site/page.cfm?c=31450, extracted Jul 2011.
  14. Www SINTON searches & misc. correspondence 9 Feb 1839 'Platina', Adelaide, from http://www.slsa.sa.gov.au/fh/passengerlists/1839Platina.gif, extracted Apr 2008.
  15. Www SINTON searches & misc. correspondence 9 Feb 1839 'Platina', Adelaide, from http://www.slsa.sa.gov.au/fh/passengerlists/1839Platina.htm, extracted Apr 2008.
  16. Verity HODGES, "EM SINTON/TELFER ex Verity H," e-mail to Lorna Henderson, Family notes on James TELFORD, written by the brothers Norman and Frank MITCHELL, rcvd Apr 2008.
  17. Dorothy BOWLES, "EM SINTON/TELFER ex Dorothy B," e-mail to Lorna Henderson, Photo c 1880s James TELFORD & Jane SINTON, rcvd May 2008.
  18. Ancestry.com online at http://search.ancestry.com, Dth 1929 Wm s/o James TELFORD & Jane SINTON, aged 77, reg. Somerville, VIC, from Australia Death Index, 1787-1985, #12143, extracted Jul 2011.
  19. Verity HODGES, "EM SINTON/TELFER ex Verity H," e-mail to Lorna Henderson, Birth 27 Oct 1857 George, s/o James TELFOR (sic) & Jane LINTON (s/be SINTON), reg. Craigie Bank, Dist Str, from Digger Records SA Births 1842-1906, extract rcvd Apr 2008.

E. & O. E. Some/most parish records are rather hard to read and names, places hard to interpret, particularly if you are unfamiliar with an area.