Andrew Graham1
(circa 1662 - between November 1736 and May 1739)
Relationship | 6th great-grandfather of Lorna Henderson |
BMDB data
Andrew Graham was born cir. 1662 Fauld, nr Longtown, Par. of Arthuret, CUL, ENG.2Andrew Graham married Jane UnknownSurname cir. 1686 ?Arthuret, CUL, ENG.2
Andrew Graham died bet. Nov 1736 - May 1739 prob. at ?Fauld, Par. of Arthuret, CUL, ENG.2,3
Andrew Graham of Fauld, nr Longtown, Par. of Arthuret, CUL, ENG, wrote a will on 24 Nov 1736 appointing Jane Graham and Stephen Graham as joint exectors and beneficiaries and specific legacies to Sibell Graham, Ducibella Graham and Ann Graham the one page document is headed Andrew Graham of Fauld and reads: In the Name of God Amen. I Andrew Graham of Fauld in the parish of Arthuret and County of Cumberland yeoman being weak in Body but of Sound and perfect memory (thanks be given unto God) do this Twenty fourth day of November in the year of our Redemption one Thousand seven hundred and thirty Six Make and publish this my last Will and testament in Manner following (that is to say) Imprimis I bequeath my Soul to God who gave it, and my Body to be buried in a decent and Christian Manner at the discretion of my Executors herein after Mentioned. And as for my Worldly goods whosowith it hath pleased God to bless me in this Life I give, bequeath and Dispose of in this following manner and Form. Item I give and Bequeath to my Eldest Daughter Sibell Wife to William Bell the Sum of One pound Item I give to my Second daughter Ducibell wife to Edward Graham the like sum of one pound Item I give and bequeath to my youngest daughter Ann Graham the sum of forty pounds Item all the rest and Residue of my goods, Chattels and personal Estate Whatsoever I give and bequeath to my Dear wife Jane Graham and to my beloved son Stephen Graham whom I make and ordain Joynt and Sole Executors of this my last Will and Testament after the full payment and discharge of all my Just Debts Legacys and Funerall expenses. Revoking and Disannulling all former Wills Bequest and Legacys by me at any time heretofore made and bequeathed: Ratifying and Confirming this and no other to be my Last Will and Testament. In Witness whereof I the said Andrew Graham have to this my Last Will and Testament set my hand and Seal the Day and Year above Written. Andrew Graham his Mark and Seal Signd Sealed and Delivered by the said Andrew Graham as and for his Last Will and Testament in the presence of Us who were present at the Signing and Sealing thereof Georg Graham Sworn Jno Pearson Curate at Arthuret Sworn.It was "Proved the 12th day of May 1739 & Admin granted to Stephen Graham one of the joint Executors ..."3
Autosomal DNA testing has highlighted a set of FamilyFinder matches where the participants descend from two GRAHAM families in Colonial America: William of New Castle, DE early 1700s > Augusta/Botetourt, VA mid 1700s, Archibald of Augusta VA > Cleveland NC, and the Cumberland (ENG) family of Andrew of Fauld, Arthuret, Cumberland.As there are sufficient overlapping segments and matches between the groups, the science indicates that there's a shared common ancestor in their background.
A choromosome map of the overlapping segments is shown on the GRAHAM page.
We would love to confirm the ancestry/linkages to these trees for the others that have overlapping matches, and of course, to find the relationship between William, Archibald and Andrew.
The predicted closeness of the relationship is way closer than can be accounted for by the respective trees, so either cousin marriages or "sticky" dna might be in play here. The latter definitely seems to apply as there are a large number of matches at this point, not all yet investigated.4
Andrew Graham has been identified as the potential Most Recent Common Ancestor (MRCA) for Mary (Polly) Graham, Priscilla Ann (Nancy) Graham and Ann Graham. (or possibly Andrew's ancestor further back up the chain), along with two grandchildren of Andrew's descendant Jane GRAHAM (married James TURNBULL) and other descendants.5,6
Family | Jane UnknownSurname (bef. 1665 - aft. 1739) |
Children |
Charts | My pedigree chart Maternal ancestors of Lorna Maternal timeline GRAHAM Ellen TURNBULL's ancestors |
Last Edited | 8 Jul 2014 |
- Online search: assorted surnames, International Genealogical Index (IGI), Birth c 1690 Stephen to Andrew & Jane GRAHAM, Fauld, Arthuret, post 1991 patron submission, no details, extracted Feb 2007.
- Online search: assorted surnames, International Genealogical Index (IGI), Dth 1736 Andrew GRAHAM, (mar. wife Jane, c 1686 Arthuret), post 1991 patron submission, no details, extracted Feb 2007.
- Andrew GRAHAM of Fauld, Will 1736 (proved 1739) (24 Nov 1736) WI 56 [46v]: Copy rcvd Apr 2007.
- "Lorna's Family History Musings", Jul 2014.
- Lorna Henderson, "GRAHAM TG Chr 5: Kuch/Walker/Allen", GRAHAM of Overton, TN: potential shared ancestry between Walker/Allen identified Jun 2014.
- - Family Trees online at, Birth 10 Jun 1783 Mary d/o George GRAHAM & Elizabeth TURNLEY, 10 am, from George GRAHAM/Elizabeth TURNLEY Bible transcr, from Tennessee Kin tree of Leota61, originally rcvd 3/10/93 (Mar. 1993) from Mrs Fred M WALKER, Berryville, VA, copy d/loaded Jun 2014.
E. & O. E. Some/most parish records are rather hard to read and names, places hard to interpret, particularly if you are unfamiliar with an area.