Archibald Fairbairn1,2

(circa July 1758 - between 1806 and 1841)
FatherRobert Fairbairn3 (cir. Jan 1729 - aft. 1771)
MotherAgnes Landreth4 (say 1730 - )
Relationship1st cousin 6 times removed of Lorna Henderson

BMDB data

     Archibald Fairbairn was born cir. Jul 1758 Par. of St Boswells, ROX, SCT.5,6 He was baptized on 11 Aug 1758 Par. of St Boswells, ROX; "Agst 11 Robt Fairbairn had a son B(aptized?) n(amed) Archbald."6,5
     Archibald Fairbairn married Mary Grierson cir. 25 Jul 1784 in the Par. of Bowden, ROX, SCT, Sessions 25 July 1784: Archd F. & Mary G. who are said to be married in an irregular way a short time ago, and they themselves declaring the truth of it, were rebuked for taking such a step & exhorted to live for the future in a christian way as man & wife.1
     Archibald Fairbairn died bet. 1806 - 1841 ?Moorhead, Par. of Southdean, ROX, SCT.7,8,9

Census/Where lived/Occupations

     In 1785 Archibald and Mary were living Clarilaw, Par. of Bowden, ROX, SCT, when their dtr Mary was baptized10 and by 1787 they were Midlem Eastfield, Par. of Bowden, ROX, SCT, when dtr Agnes baptized.11 By 1789 they were living Whinfield, Par. of St Boswells, ROX, SCT, where the next child, Isabel, was born12 and bet. 1791 - 1793 they were Thornylaw, Par. of St Boswells, ROX, SCT, where both Robert and Margaret were born.13,14 In 1804 Archibald and Mary were living Macksidemoore, Par. of Southdean, ROX, SCT, (baptism of son George)15 and in 1806 they were Moorhead, Par. of Southdean, ROX, SCT, when the last known child, Cecilia was born, Archibald shown as a hind (and dtr Agnes' marriage was recorded in the Southdean OPR in 1808, as Nancy.)9,16 Archibald Fairbairn was shown as a ploughman, dec'd, on son George's Selkirk death cert. in Nov 1870.7

All the other info


External links

     Click here to see Archibald's page on WikiTree, a (free) collaborative on-line tree.21


Mary Grierson (cir. 1765 - bet. 1851 - 1863)
  • Mary Fairbairn10 (Aug 1785 - Jun 1874)
  • Agnes Fairbairn11,22 (Jul 1787 - May 1863)
  • Isabel Fairbairn12 (Mar 1789 - )
  • Robert Fairbairn14,23 (Jun 1791 - May 1880)
  • Margaret Fairbairn24 (May 1793 - Feb 1848)
  • George Fairbairn+25,7,15 (Jul 1804 - Nov 1870)
  • Cecily Fairbairn9 (Aug 1806 - Apr 1887)
ChartsJohn & Bessie (FFLINT) FAIRBAIRN
Last Edited19 Apr 2016


  1. Cash book and Kirk Sessions Baptisms: Bowden, ROX, SCT, Kirk Sessions , Film 1067932.
  2. FAIRBAIRN, International Genealogical Index (IGI).
  3. FamilyTree DNA, "FamilyTree DNA", FAIRBAIRN Surname DNA Project, 36/37 marker match between descendants of two contemporary (time and place) Archibald FAIRBAIRNs, Dec 2007.
  4. Scottish BMDB entries (to 1854),, Marr. 1757 Robert FAIRBAIRN & Agnes LANDRETH (both of St Boswells), ROX, copy d/loaded Dec 2007.
  5. Scottish BMDB entries (to 1854),, Birth?/bap? 11 Aug 1758 Archibald s/o Robert FAIRBAIRN, Par. of St Boswells, ROX, copy d/loaded Dec 2007.
  6. Online search: assorted surnames, International Genealogical Index (IGI), Bap. 11 Aug 1758 Archbald, s/o Robert FAIRBAIRN, batch C118042, St Boswells, ROX, extracted Dec 2007.
  7. GRO, SCT, BDM searches at GRO SCT: Dth 1870 George FAIRBAIRN, transcr. by Robert McC, rcvd Jun 2005.
  8. Census image, SCT, 1851 Census Melrose, ROX Dist 799 ED 1 Pg 21 Sched 81, hsehold of Mary FAIRBAIRN, copy d/loaded Dec 2007.
  9. Scottish BMDB entries (to 1854),, Birth 31 Aug, bap. 26 Sep 1806 Cecy d/o Archibald FAIRBAIRN, Moorhead, Par. of Southdean, ROX, copy d/loaded Dec 2007.
  10. Scottish BMDB entries (to 1854),, Birth 1 Aug, bap. 30 Oct 1785 Mary d/o Archibald FAIRBAIRN & Mary GRIERSON, Clarrilaw, Par. of Bowden, ROX, copy d/loaded Dec 2007.
  11. Scottish BMDB entries (to 1854),, Birth 15 Jul, bap. 23 Jul 1787 Agnes d/o Archibald FAIRBAIRN & Mary GRIERSON, Midlem Eastfield, Par. of Bowden, ROX, copy d/loaded Dec 2007.
  12. Scottish BMDB entries (to 1854),, Birth 17 Mar, bap. 5 Jul 1789 Isabel d/o Archibald FAIRBAIRN, Whinfield, Par. of St Boswells, ROX, copy d/loaded Dec 2007.
  13. Scottish BMDB entries (to 1854),, Birth 20 May, Bap. 10 Jun 1793 Margaret d/o Archibald FAIRBAIRN & Mary GRIERSON, Par. of St Boswells, ROX, copy d/loaded Dec 2007.
  14. Scottish BMDB entries (to 1854),, Birth 5 Jun, bap. 28 Aug 1791 Robert, s/o Archibald FAIRBAIRN & Mary GRIERSON, Thornylaw, Par. of St Boswells, ROX, copy d/loaded Dec 2007.
  15. Scottish BMDB entries (to 1854),, Birth 12 Jul, bap. 26 Aug 1804 George s/o Archibald FAIRBAIRN, Macksidemoore, Par. of Southdean, ROX, copy d/loaded Dec 2007.
  16. Scottish BMDB entries (to 1854),, Marr. 2 Dec 1808 Nancy FAIRBAIRN & John RIDDELL, "both in this parish" 806/0010 0142, copy rcvd from Harry DW May 2010.
  17. Lorna Henderson, "FAIRBAIRN Analysis", Apr 2008.
  18. Sanna F Ross (Gaffney), "EM FAIRBAIRN: Borders ex Sanna G," e-mail to Lorna & GenForum FAIRBAIRN, Marr. William FAIRBAIRN & Aylsie ELLIOTT, from Reby Dodds, "Who's Which?", rcvd c 2000?
  19. G Roy & Pat FAIRBAIRN, "Corres. FAIRBAIRN/WANLESS, Quebec ex G Roy & Pat F.," e-mail to Lorna Henderson, 1983 visit Roy had had with Reby, taken from email to Sanna G from Roy, Jan 2003, copy rcvd Jan 2003, extracted Apr 2008, "I also visited Reby on 13 May 1983 at the retirement home in Perth, Ontario.Evidently she and her mother researched the book and brought it to publication."
  20. GenForum online at, Thomas & Elspeth (Redpath) FAIRBAIRN, Rideau Canal, posted Aug 2001 by Karen GRANT, extracted Jan 2003.
  21. WikiTree online at, Apr 2016.
  22. Scottish BMDB entries (from 1855),, Dth 3 May 1863 Agnes RIDDELL, Melrose, ROX, Dist 799/1 Pg 8 Sched 24, copy d/loaded May 2008.
  23. Scottish BMDB entries (from 1855),, Dth 1880 Robert FAIRBAIRN, reg. Dist of Wilton, ROX, Dist 810 pg 16 #46, copy d/loaded Dec 2007.
  24. online at, Birth 20 May, Bap. 10 Jun 1793 Margaret d/o Archibald FAIRBAIRN & Mary GRIERSON, Par. of St Boswells, ROX, copy d/loaded Dec 2007.
  25. FAIRBAIRN, International Genealogical Index (IGI), patron submission?

E. & O. E. Some/most parish records are rather hard to read and names, places hard to interpret, particularly if you are unfamiliar with an area.