Old Cem., Wybunbury, Dist of Nantwich, CHS, ENG

Coordinates very approximate for headstone of the Rev. Robert TURNBULL

in the Vicarage, Wybunbury, Dist of Nantwich, CHS, ENG

pronounced Win-bury (see GenUKi Parish notes)

Zoom in on the above links to see the Vicarage on a map, making sure you are in satellite or aerial view. (The remnants of the old church are up the hill)
Peter, who grew up in the Vicarage, has shared two pictures he holds; a sketch drawn in 1847; another commissioned by his father (the then vicar) in the 1960s (see below).
Opposite the vicarage is the newer cemetery, the land for which was gifted by the Rev. Robert Turnbull.
There are also several good pictures on geograph